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How to add your business in Google Maps

Google maps for finding anywhere map in it.How to add your business in Google Maps-  We know that Google is a largest tech company in the world and it have so many networks of sites. So today I am telling you about a service of Google which is Google maps. We know that we can find anywhere map in Google maps like any places name, companies and so many things.

 But if you want to show also your business in the Google maps then how to do it and how to add your business in Google maps. So let’s I will tell you that how to add or share your business in Google Maps and brings your business alive, so below I given all the points in which you can learn about it.

First of all Open the site: - http://www.maps.google.com, in your browser.

put your business in Google maps

Now Click the link “put your business on Google Maps”.

sign in with your Google account for adding your business in Google maps

After that Sign in with your Google account in the tab.

Add your country details and phone no. in it

Now select your country on drop down menu and write your Phone No. on it for adjusting the place.

fill your all information in Google maps for your better data

If your information is found in Phone No. then submit your data, but if not then fill your information in it and after that fill all the information just check the map is right or not if any mistake in map then solve it and at last click to submit.

Now on next page you have to verify your business by a Phone call or SMS or by Post card. Then after that all things are done.

Now your business is submit in Google maps, after some time check your business place in Google maps, I think you got it.

Enjoy bro....!!
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How to write more searchable content to your blog

how to write more searchable contents for your blog.How to write more searchable content to your blog-  Every blogger wants lot of visitors for their blog and its blog in top of the blogging world. But what is the strategy to put your blog in high level, and how to increase more traffic to blog. So today I am telling you about “How to write more searchable content to your blog”. 
Every blogger writes and post their best in its blog but they also not get so many visitor. We also submit our blogs to many search engine directory, but we are not satisfied by our traffic, because we are not given more searchable contents in our posts. So the question arise here how to find more searchable contents for our blog. 

So when you are starting your post then just take a minute and think about visitors that how your post is help them, and need of your post to visitors. Because if your contents are more helpful for others then you will definitely get good visitors for your blog but if your post or contents are not needful and helpful then you are not get more visitors. And you are not put your blog in top level and you can’t make it better. So write more helpful content in your blog and more searchable content in your post, you can also see best searchable keywords in “Google Adword for keywords”. Examples of most searchable posts are: - Best blogger tips, Best blogger widget, how to increase more traffic for my blog, how to increase my site rank and so on.

Second thing is just think which blogger problem mostly faced by you and how you solved it. I mean when we face any problem in the blogger and definitely we search it in the Google, Yahoo, Bing and another search engines, and we get many solutions of it in many sites and we check all the results in it before fully satisfied by any solution. So write about your own problem solution which is searched by you before stating your own blog. And you can also give your own solved problems of blogger in your post. And if you doing as like the given post then I am sure you will get good visitors for your blog.
Enjoy Blogging….

 How to write more searchable content to your blog
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How to increase your PC speed

How to speed up your computer
How to increase your PC speed-  Hello everyone, today I am telling you about how to increase your PC speed. Have you think ever how your PC speed is goes to decreases. Because when you open any documents then the PC save also a copy of this document. And when the more copy document is save in our PC then its speed is decrease. And when we use the internet for many sites then also many virus or unwanted programs are come in our PC and they also decrease our PC speed. Let’s know about how to increase your PC speed.

Virus Scan Method: - Virus are decrease our PC speed as well as they are very harmful to our important files. So always scan your PC by good Anti-Virus. It is making your PC fast.

Don’t put many files in Desktop: - Don’t put many files in your PC desktop because it is also decrease your PC speed. And also remove unwanted file from your desktop. You can also remove unused items from your desktop.

Clean Temporary files: - Always clean temporary files from your PC. For delete them Goes to your Pc start button and click to “Run command prompt”. And write “%temp%” in it and click to Ok. Now you got all the saves temporary files in your PC so select them all and delete them. And also clean your Recycle Bin. And you can also use “CCleaner” software for deleting unwanted items from your PC.

Scan Disk Program: - You can use this program to remove unwanted items or files from your PC. For every Month you can run this program in your PC for unwanted files. But remember always when you are run this program in your pc then close the entire running program from your PC.

Enjoy tech tips with blogging.

 How to increase your PC speed
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How to write best content to your blog post

 write best contents for your blog

Hello everyone, today I am telling you about “how to write best content to your blog post”. Because we know that the main thing for a blog or site is post content and the content is also known as blog King or we can say it cost think about contents for your blog. And when you think about good content for your blog then remember two points. 1). What to write. 2). How to write. I think these two points are making your blog perfect. So let’s start to discuss about these points.
So first of all I tell you about “What to write”- Before starting your blog post just think what you want to write in your post and how it helps other. Think about post matter, and take some time to prepare fully your post. If you know fully about the new post then do not write it directly in your blog and do not directly publish it. Write it into any notepad or word document. And one more time check it starting to end, and if you find all things are right then write or copy it into blog post. But if you don’t know fully about your new post then first of all collect more information about it and consider on the information is right or not then write it into your blog. Because the small mistake turns your blog high to low.

Now we come to the second point that is “How to write”- when you starting a new post then think like as a visitor, how you read another bloggers blog and how they serve it to you. Then as like you can serve your best to your visitor. Just keep your post simple and well maintained, write your post with good points. And design your every post with correct images and you can also give image of every point for easily understandable, by which your visitors are easily interface with your post. So keep your post best.

At the last I want to tell you if you always remember these above given points then definitely you will get good visitor for your blog and also good comment for your post.