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Getting started with Blogger

 blogger templates for getting started with blogger
Getting started with Blogger- When you creating your blog than search in toolbar about it and know its meaning. A blog shares our ideas and articles with world community. And also we give our knowledge to any one through blogger. And I am creating this blog to share my ideas and knowledge. So I tell you how to create a new blog and how to optimize it.
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There are many important points to create a blog Check Below all Points.
URL- URL is known as Universal Resource Locator. And the URL of site means your Blog Domain name or your site name. And the URL of sites is very important because it tells about our blog or site. And it makes good keywords to our blog or sites. And if your Site name is good than it is also optimize with search engines. So when you want to create your blog or site than think more about site name or Domain name or URL.

Templates:- Templates are show your blog . And makes your blog good and gives nice look to your blog. So choose good template to your blog which is perfect for your blog. There are many templates are given in blog directory. Choose appropriate template for your blog.
Pages:- After creating all above than now create a page for your blog. Or we can say create navigation menu to your blog. Pages like. Home, About, Contacts, Privacy, Sitemap and many others as you like. Pages are makes your blog very effective and pro- blog. So Must create pages in your blog which shown in your menu.
So After creating all these things now writes your posts and publish in web. And enjoy blogging.
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