h1.post-title, .post h1 #Blog1 h1, #Blog2 h1 { font-size:1.5em; }

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Site details 

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Website Title:GvBux- Feel the potential Title
SEO Score:74%
Terms:319 (Unique: 167, Linked: 34)
Images:8 (Alt tags missing: 5)
Links:22 (Internal: 20, Outbound: 1) ICANN Registrar:GODADDY.COM, LLC
Expires: 2013-08-01
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Images:10 (Alt tags missing: 9)
Links:22   (Internal: 17, Outbound: 5) 
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Best site for download movies in free

I like watching movies so many times I check for any site in Google, which gives all movies in free Like Bollywood, Hollywood (Hindi Translate), and others. And one day I found a website which gives all movies in free. This website is “Moviesmobile.net” which gives you link to download any movie. And it also update new release movie on 2nd day after theatre release in their website. And one of the most interesting things is, if you want to download any movie but it is not found in this then you also request for it. After some days they send downloading URL of this movie. So if you download any movie from there then click to appropriate link and find movie name by pressing CTRL+F, and download movie.
downloads any movies in free

And if you want to download movies in 3GP format then it is also give a link of 3GP movies. You will find there less size of AVI Movies with good print. And you also download it in some hours.

There are also many awards and WWE movies in this website you can also download any awards program and WWE program from “Movies mobile Special “link.

I hope you will find in this website every movie which you want to watch.
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Flag counter widget for blogger

Flag counter widget is showing yours all visitor from many countries. And it is collected visitors country flag in your blog from all over world. So today I tell you about how to put this widget in your blog. Because it is a good widget and tells you about your visitor and it’s also make your site interesting. So let’s start to put this widget in your blog.
visitors flag counter

First of all Go to your blogger and sign into your blog.
create a flag counter for site or blog

Then go to a site name is flagcounter.com, after that customize your flag chart like how many flags you want to show on this widget and if you want to change color of the widget then change it.
copy the URL of flag counter for your blog

After customize click to “Get your flag counter”. Now check the code for websites and copy this code. Then go to your blogger and click to dashboard and then go to layout in your blog, and click to add new widget and select HTML JavaScript. And paste this code on it, and save it where you want to show it and save arrangement.

Now save your all setting and enjoy this widget.
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Submit your blog to technorati

In this blog post I tell you about how to submit your blog to technorati. But before we start I want to tell you about technorati. Technorati is blogger community which is indexed you blog in top sites. It is also increase you visitor stats. And every blogger want more visitors for his/her blog. So if you want to increases your visitors then you have to do this trick for your blog. Let’s we come to main point which is “how to submit your blog to technorati”, so below I given you tip to submit your blog.
technorati logo

First of all search “technorati.com” in your browser search bar.

claim process to  your blog in technorati

Then the technorati website is open after that sign up with technorati.com, and fill up your all profile details and uploads avatar in it. After done all this now the time to main thing, write your blog URL there and click to claim.
Now you get an email in your given email (on profile) inbox. They will send you a code on that email and now copy this code and sign in with you blogger profile. Now go to dashboard in your blog and make a new post. After that paste the code in your new post and write post title like: “Technorati claim for blogger” and publish it.
Now half process is complete after that goes to your technorati profile and click to claim. And also click to your feed URL on next page and then once again you get an email in your inbox. This email is about of your blog successfully claim, so check this and waits for 24 hour. Then 2nd day you will get a confirmation email of technorati claim complete.

After that you also delete your claim post, there is no matter in it.

My technorati code is:- GMKBHFRQ3VKH (every blogger have an unique code.)

Now you have done all things and enjoy blogging.
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How to Make a Facebook like box to your blog

Facebook is one of the most social networking sites in the web. There are so many people’s are using facebook. And everyday many new users join facebook. I don’t want more bore you so let’s we come to point. Today in this blog post I tell you about how to make a facebook like box for your blog. Below I am giving all the points.

facebook like box

Sign in to your facebook account.

Now create a page in facebook as you want to display in your blog.

URL of facebook

After creating a page in facebook now click to developers tab.

Or you can also write the URL: - www.developer.facebook.com in search tab.
make facebook like box
Now click to Build for website as like given image.
facebook social pluguins for sites

Now click to social pluguins.

After that click to Like Box.
facebook platforms

Now a box is open in this page. Now the main thing is your page URL.

Now change the URL facebook.com/platform to facebook.com/your page URL.

Now click to get code.
iframe code for facebook like box

After that click to IFrame. Now copy the code.
second facebook iframe code of like box

add facebook like box to blogger

go to your blog and click to layout tab and then click to add new gadgets .
configure HTML code in blogger

select html JavaScript and paste the code in this. And save your settings and then take a preview to your blog.
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How to make a page in facebook

In this blog post I tell you about how to make a facebook fans page. So now start to make a page in facebook.

facebook icon
Sign in with facebook.com.

Now click to new page tab on below of home page.

page for facebook

Now select one category on them. Select Brands or Product on them.
 create page in facebook

Now choose a category on the drop down menu. Choose website.

And then type page name as you want to make.

Now uploads a picture for your page and click to next.

Then choose your facebook page URL. Like facebook.com/my page name.

Now you create a fans page in facebook. Check setting and do some formality and save your settings.
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Add Social Networking button widget to blogger

 Social networking iconsNowadays social networking is must for every internet users. And there are so many people are connected with social networking site. Lets we come to main point, today I tell you about how to add a social networking widget for your blog.

First of all you have needed to sign into your blog.

Then go to Addthis.com.

add this icon

Now click to Get the code for your site.
adding social networking button to your site
Now click to Blogger.
Choose appropriate widget for your blog.
adding social networking icon widget to blog

Then click to Install Blogger Widget.

And save this in your blog.
Now take a preview of your blog. and check this widget.
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Some tips to grow your blog traffic

Traffic is very must for every blogger. Because if you get more traffic than your blog will be very popular and you get success in bloggers world. And traffic is also increase you page rank. But the first question is how to grow more traffic and how to get popularity. There are lots of people don’t know how to get more traffic. And if you don’t know about it then I tell you and I give you some suggestion. So there are some tips to get more traffic for your blog that is I given below.

some tips to grow your blog traffic
Writes friendly posts- write a post about which you know everything. Because if you write a post about which you don’t know everything then you don’t make it a good post. And your content is king of your blog. It makes many keywords for your blog and keywords are used by crawlers which are Google, yahoo, and many others. And write friendly post not any typical post. Write your post simple and understandable. This gives best traffic to your blog.

Submit Your Blog to SEO- Submit your Blog to search engines. There are too many search engines in the web, but some of the best search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing and others. Submit your blog to Google webmaster tools, yahoo webmaster and Bing webmaster. Because they are crawlers and they increase best traffic for your blog. And they are listing your blog in good page rank.
Share with Google Plus- Share your post with Google plus. Because many users of Google plus see your blog and check it. So if your posts are good and simple and your posts have good topics then you can get good traffic.

Social Networking- Share your blog posts in social networking sites and also you can give your blog description to social networking sites. Today’s there are many social networking sites are used by peoples join these social sites and tell in it about your blog. The social networking sites are Facebook, twitter, Digg, MySpace, LinkedIn and others. Use theses site and grow your blog traffic.
Bloggers community & Forums -. There are many of online bloggers communities and forum in web, join these communities and forum after joining this you also get result in some days. They are growing your traffic more. And make you blog popular. The communities and forums site are Bloggers.com, Indiblogger.in, Docstoc.com, Blogadda.com, Blogcatalog.com, and forums. Now join them and grow your blog traffic.
Comment to others Blog- Comment is also a good way to get traffic for your blog. When you check others blog then give them a comment and tell also about your blog in comments and give a link of your blog, than if they find your comment then also check your blog as like you get more traffic.
Contents- the main things of blogs are contents. Because contents are king of blog. If your contents are good and understandable than more peoples are likes your post and read your post. And you get a good traffic. So make your post best and write good contents in your post.
And if you use all these tips of above then surely you will get a good traffic to your blog and should be popular.
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How to remove blogger navbar

 remove blogger navbar
Navbar is a tab or bar which is shown in top of blog. And if we want to give a nice look to our blog then we have to remove the navbar from our blog, because after remove navbar our blog looks like a professional designed blog. So in this blog post I tell you about how to remove blogger navbar from your blog.
Below I given you all instruction, so kindly read this carefully and remove navbar from your blog.
There are many methods to hide blogger navbar, and I tell you some easy methods.

• If you use the Dynamics template in your blog then no need to any navbar, because in dynamic template the navbar is not shown.
• And 2nd is if you add any other template from any other sites than there is no use of any navbar in other templates.
• And if you not use any of one method in above then the 3rd method is given below.
1. Open your browser and sign into your blog. Click here.
2. Then click to templates tab in blogger dashboard.
3. Now click to HTML tab on this.
4. And click to expend HTML tab on above of HTML page.
5. Find </head> tab by pressing CTRL+F.
6. And then copy and paste the given below code before the </head> tab. And the Code is:-
<style type="text/css">
#navbar-iframe { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none }
</style></head> .

7. After paste the code save your setting and take a preview to your blog. You find the navbar is removed from your blog.
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Create a Sitemap For your blog

 sitemap for blogger
First of all I want to tell you about sitemap or what is sitemap and what is its work. So read carefully .Sitemap is one of the most important tips which shows your all Blogs map means your blog all topic and posts by labels. It is also give all directories of your blog or sites. Many search engines are using this sitemap to know about your blog and so if you have not a sitemap for your blog, then you have missed crawler access for your blog. So today in this blog post I tell you about making sitemap for your blog or how to make a sitemap for your blog. Read given below lines very carefully and do as below given instructions.
Sign in to your blog.
Click here for Sign in.

Now click to Dashboard in your blog and go to page tab on your blog dashboard.
Now click to new blank page tab.
Then you find a blank page is open there then click to HTML write on this page and copy and paste given below Commands into your blog.
<script src="http://yourjavascript.com/18113981113/bukarahasiablog-toc.js">
</script><script src="http://yourblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc">
· Type your blog address or URL in above code.
After type this or paste this in your blog. write in post title <’Sitemap’.
After that Save this and publish. Now take a preview for your blog and enjoy sitemap.
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Adding Meta Tags in Blog

meta tags for blogger seo
Meta Tags are those HTML Codes which are added in the top or header section of our blog. Meta tags give important information about our blog to Crawler. Crawlers are Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others. And crawler gives good traffic for our blog. For best performance of our blogs Meta tags are very important. Every blog and sites need Meta tags for their good performance. And Meta tags are keywords which gives our blog information to many search engines for find our blog. And if our blog finds by many search engines or if our blog comes in search results then our blog traffic will also grow more. And everybody wants their blog in top. So now we can say it in simple way that Meta tags are increases our blog or site traffic. Now I tell you how to add Meta tags in your blog or site. Below I giving you all codes. Read them and copy and paste them into your blog.
Now sign in your blogger account Click Here

After sign in your blog Click to Blogger dashboard. And do as below given instruction.
1. Click to templates in your blogger window.
2. Now click to EDIT HTML tab on templates option and click to proceed.
3. Now click to expend widget on top of HTML window.
4. Now find <head> tab on HTML Codes by using the keys CTRL+F (FIND KEY).
5. After find the <head> tab.
6. Now copy below given code and paste below <Head> tab.
<meta content='Your Blog Title' name='title'/>
<meta content='About your Blog' name='description'/>
<meta content='your blog keywords with separated comma' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Author name' name='author'/>
<meta content='Owner name' name='owner'/>
<meta content='(c) 2012' name='copyright'/>
Now you placed Meta tags in your blog. Write specific keywords in Meta contents like. If your blog about new technology in world then some keywords are Technology, New technology, amazing technology and more. So write your keywords very carefully and write good keywords. Ok now your keywords are set and you find in some days that you have a good traffic daily.
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Getting started with Blogger

 blogger templates for getting started with blogger
Getting started with Blogger- When you creating your blog than search in toolbar about it and know its meaning. A blog shares our ideas and articles with world community. And also we give our knowledge to any one through blogger. And I am creating this blog to share my ideas and knowledge. So I tell you how to create a new blog and how to optimize it.
For Sign up or sign in Click here.
There are many important points to create a blog Check Below all Points.
URL- URL is known as Universal Resource Locator. And the URL of site means your Blog Domain name or your site name. And the URL of sites is very important because it tells about our blog or site. And it makes good keywords to our blog or sites. And if your Site name is good than it is also optimize with search engines. So when you want to create your blog or site than think more about site name or Domain name or URL.

Templates:- Templates are show your blog . And makes your blog good and gives nice look to your blog. So choose good template to your blog which is perfect for your blog. There are many templates are given in blog directory. Choose appropriate template for your blog.
Pages:- After creating all above than now create a page for your blog. Or we can say create navigation menu to your blog. Pages like. Home, About, Contacts, Privacy, Sitemap and many others as you like. Pages are makes your blog very effective and pro- blog. So Must create pages in your blog which shown in your menu.
So After creating all these things now writes your posts and publish in web. And enjoy blogging.
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