h1.post-title, .post h1 #Blog1 h1, #Blog2 h1 { font-size:1.5em; }

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How to check Google crawler access your Blog

Everybody who uses internet in the world knows about Google. And we know that Google is a best search engines in the web. So if you submit your blog to Google than Google crawler are access your blog for indexed your blog in search engines and it is good for your blog SEO. Then how to check when the Google crawlers last accessed your blog. so in this blog post I tell you about it But before proceed if you not submit your blog to Google than read more about How to submit your blog to Google Crawlers.
Google Logo

Let we come to the point, first of all open Google search engine in your browser.

Blog URL
Now write your blog URL in it and press enter key.
my blog images

Then you finds about your blog in the search result.
 Cached copy of my blog

Now click to Cached link given in above image and when it opens your find the last crawler access to your blog. It means Google is submitted your blog in its directory and after that your get good result by Google.
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How to submit a blog to Google webmaster tools

We know that Google is a No.1 search engine in the web world, and it has so many directories in which it submitted many of sites, blog and others. And the submission of sites is taken by the Google Webmaster Tools, which is grow your traffic low to very high, in which your blog is access by Google crawlers and it gives many links to your site. It is very useful to your site SEO. The Google webmaster tools are indexed your blog pages or articles in the Google directory and give good search result for your blog by which you can get more traffic for your blog.
Google Webmasters tools

So now we come to the main point how to submit your blog to Google webmaster tools.

So First of all go to the link Google Webmaster tools.

webmaster tools for blogger SEO

And sign in with your Google account in it. Now click to add a site in it and submit your Blog URL.
Upload site in Google webmaster tools

After that verify your blogger ownership by copy the given code and paste it into your blog header section before Meta tags.
Adding sitemap in Google webmaster tools

After submitting your URL and verify it now click to dashboard and click to add sitemap link and type the sitemap “ your Blogger URL and sitemap is Sitemap.xml” and save your settings and publish it on the web.

Google indexed page in Webmaster tools

And after sometimes or some days you find that your blog pages are submit in the Webmaster tools and it are indexed by Google.

And after some months you will also get Google page rank for your blogger.

Now enjoy the blogging.
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How to change blogger footer style

In this blog post I tell you about how to customize with blogger footer or how to change blogger footer style. If you want to make your blog good then you have to also change your blogger footer style or make multi task footer for your blog. Because if your blog look like good then many of visitor are engaged in your blog and you get more traffic. If your footer is keep with multi task and many links then you get good traffic for your blog and it also give a nice look to your blog.
Blogger footer

Every blogger wants to make their blog good and keep it best. So you have to change your blog footer so below I give you the process in which you will understand about make a good footer for your blog.

So first of all go your blogger account and sign in.

Then go to blogger Dashboard.
Dashboard of templates in blogger

Then go to Templates link in it.
 Blogger Dashboard

Click to customize link in templates.
Blogger template designer

Now Click to layout tab in the customize templates.

Now change the footer of your blog as per given in the above images.
Layout of blogger footer

Then click to apply to blog and click to back to blog. Now you can place links and many more things in your blogger footer.

Now enjoy this blogging.
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How to setup a blog with Alexa

Logo of AlexaAlexa is a site ranking website, which gives ranks for sites as per there visitors. There are many of sites is linked with Alexa.com. Alexa detect the percents of visitor in a site. Now the No.1 ranking site in Alexa is facebook.com then after that Google.com and so on. Alexa gives ranking for the sites by their performance. It is updated in a day. If your site or blog have good Alexa rank it means your blog have good visitor. And also the advertisers are links with your site. So today in this blog post I tell you about how to setup your blog with Alexa Ranking.

Now I tell you about how to add your blog in Alexa Ranking?

Alexa Traffic rank

First of all make your blog and writes in it some good content articles. Then go to Alexa.com and sign up for a new account, so create your profile and save your data in it. But at this time you are not get the Alexa rank, you have to wait for some day,” I also get Alexa rank for my blog in approx. half of the month”. But getting the Alexa rank you have to do some important things which are-

Alexa Toolbar- Alexa toolbar is a web browser toolbar, in which you can check your Alexa Ranking. But first you have to download the toolbar from the Alexa site and install it in your browser. And you can also create your own toolbar in Alexa by your Alexa account, and publish it in the web. So the main thing is Alexa toolbar, so downloads it for your browser.

Contents- write the fresh and good content in your blog articles, with good keywords. So if you got good traffic then Alexa will detect your site traffic and give a rank for your site.

Update- Update your blog daily with a new and good article. Because if you update your blog daily then you get more visitor and search engines are more gives more search queries for your blog. So you can get good Alexa Ranking. And always check you’re Alexa Rank or you can check your Alexa account.

So when you are going to add your site in Alexa then keep the above points in your mind, you will definitely get good Alexa ranking.
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How to approve blog with Blog catalog

Blog catalog or BC is one of the best blogger communities in the world, which submit your blog in the web directory. In which you can read or write articles and discuss terms with another blogger. And it is also grow your blog traffic and useful for your blog SEO. But it is not easy to approve your blog in Blog Catalog. Because I must try it two times in which my blog is declined but when I try it third time then I get approved with Blog Catalog. So if you want to submit your blog in Blog Catalog then your blog must have followed the term and condition for better submission.
blog Catalog

And the Terms & Conditions are-

• You must verify your ownership for your blog- get the HTML code of any widget from Blog Catalog and paste it in your blog. And your blog must have Meta-Tags.

• Your blog must have at least 10 posts with unique content; Valuable contents or it is not a new blog.

• Your blog have not any pornography items.

• Writes your profile fully in Blog Catalog.

And if you have an Alexa rank than it is best for approving your blog with Blog Catalog. So if your blog follow all the above conditions then definitely your blog get approved.
But if your blog is declined first time then don’t worry about it just check your blog and submit your blog again.
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How to add your blog in feed burner

Feed burner is custom RSS feed service by Google, and it is a web based service for websites, blogger and publishers or podcaster. You can check your subscribers by this service. So in this blog post I tell you about how to add your blog with feed burner.
Google feed burner

First of all create a feed burner account. You can use your blogger Gmail Account for sign in on feed burner.

 Burn Feeds

Then you have to write your blog address or URL in this given space on this, after that click to next on the give link.
 feed burner

Then you reach in identify feed source, click one of them in it, you can choose 2nd link on this. And then click to next button.
process of feed burner

After next you find there lets us burn feed for you title. Now type your feed address there, type the address of your blog title or blog name, and press next button.
now feed burner is live for blogger

Now your feed becomes live and then save your setting and do some more things in feeds. And read more about feed burner widget for blog.
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How to add feed burner animator widget to your blog

In this blog post I am telling you about how to add feed burner animator widget in your blog. Feed burner is shows your blog readers and subscribers and it are also increase your blog on SEO. It show five recent articles titles in this widget from your blog .The feed burner service is by Google and it is use to indexed your blog or site in search engines .I think this widget is a good widget for every blogger which is show up your post by animating titles. And it is also give good look to your blog. So let’s start to make this widget for your blog.
feedburner animator

If you haven’t account of feed burner than sign in with feed burner by your Google mail ID. And then type your blogger URL in this box ,and do all steps in it, and you can also click on the given link to read more about adding blog in feed burner. And finally you got feeds for your blog.

feed animator properties

Now click your blog in feeds and go to Publicize tab in it. Now ready to start attracting subscribers to your blog. Click to Headline Animator link in it.
feedburner animator

Now choose appropriate animator to your blog and click to activate link on below of the page.
feedburner headlines animator

Now choose blogger on the add drop down menu. And then click to next after that save this in your blog where you want to show it. And check your blog, if you do all things right than finally you got this but if not then recheck this post and read carefully.
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How to centre your blog title

When I make my blog then I think about how to centre my blog title and I search many times it in web, but I am not satisfied by anyone. But after sometimes I got this trick by myself when I customizing my blog and take some changes in my blog. When I got this trick I really happy to see this. So now I tell you about this to beginners blogger and everyone blogger because it is also give a nice look to your blog. So If you want to do centre your blog title then check this trick it is very easy to use in blogger, simply you have to add some CSS code in it and you get it.
blogger title

So let’s start to work on this trick.

First of all go to your blogger account and sign in and then click to dashboard.

Then Go to Templates tab and click to customize.
                            customize blogger title

After that go to Advance tab and
blogger templates designer

click on this and click to add CSS.
adding css in blogger template designer

Now type this code in it
Code is- .header-outer {

And choose the Pixel above 260 and type the pixel as well as title when your title is come to the centre then save your settings or click to apply to blog and check your blog.

Now you get you blog title to centre.

Enjoy this trick.
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How to share your blog with Google+

Nowadays Google+ is become a good social networking in world. And many of users are joining with Google+, because when Google start this social service then it gives only this for some users but after that or now Google give this social service to everyone. So many of Google users are join this social service. And if you have a blog then it is a best service for you, because it is grow your blog traffic. And we know that traffic is must for every blogger, if you have more traffic means you are indexed by many search engines, and your blog have good SEO.
Google plus social network icon

So if you join Google+ then you definitely get good traffic for your blog. So when you are going to make a new blog then connect it with Google+ social networking.

But the main question is arising how to connect blog with Google+ and how to get access it with blog.

So let me tell you about Blogger with Google+.

First of all make a Google+ profile for you, and join some buddy in it.

Then open your blogger account and click to dashboard in it.
share blogger in Google plus

And then go to Google + link in the blogger dashboard.

And tick in the box where you can easily share with Google+.
Sharing with Google

Then save you settings and you can check it by click share link in your any post or anytime you write any post in your blog then when you publish it and Google+ share link is open automatically, and you can share you post by click “sharing” tab.
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How to compress image size in windows

Today I give you some tips about how to compress any image size in windows. There are many types of images are using in windows and if you want to compress their size for documents, websites, email and other uses, then you have to do them compress because high size image are take long time to email and if you want to upload any images but the images has big size then you will not able to upload this into web. So for better upload you have to do their size compress. So now I tell you about how to compress big size images.
image of compress image size in windows

First of all open the big size image with “Microsoft office picture manager”.

Then click to edit picture tab in menu bar.

windows picture manager

Now check in the right side of the page you get there about change picture size.

Then click to compress picture.
set the image to compress it

Then compress picture any one of them for documents, for emails, for web pages.

Then click to save or press CTRL+S for save the picture. Now check your picture size , you got a low size of images.
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Promote yourself by Facebook badges

Today I tell you about how to promote yourself by facebook badges or we can also say it how to make facebook social badges. This badges show your facebook fans and it is also a good widget to make cool your blog. But before starting I want to tell you about some important tips about facebook. You know that facebook have millions user and always many people’s join facebook and the facebook Alexa ranking is No. 1.
Now we come to the main point, facebook badge.
make badges in facebook

So when you are going to make facebook badges then first of all sign in with your facebook account.

Then simply click here or type the URL www.facebook.com/badges in your search bar.
types of facebook badges

Now choose any one of them badges in which I chosen “Page Badges”.
 edit facebook badges

Now after choose this edit your badges like give some name for it and choose appropriate avatar for it, then save your settings and click to Blogger platform and now sign in with your blogger account in another tab then come to back on the before tab.
add facebook badge in your blogger account

Now click to add widget in import page element window. And then drag it anywhere in your blogger layout where you want to place it.

Now enjoy this trick.
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Labels and Tags cloud gadget for blogger

In this blog post I will tell you about how to show labels in your blog as your post. and labels is also a good gadget for blogger which is separate your post with their labels and it is also give nice look for your blog and you can also use it for tags cloud which is makes you a pro blogger so don’t wait for it. Now I tell you about how to make labels and tags cloud for your blog.
blogger labels

So go to blogger.com and sign in with your blogger account and then click to dashboard.

Now go to Layout tab in it and click to “Add a gadget”.

labels gadget for blogger

Now click to labels tab in it.
 configure labels of posts in blogger

Now click to labels or cloud in it and save it in your blog where you want to show it.
image of blogger labels

Now check your blog or preview your blog then you got a new gadget in your blogger page.
image of tags cloud in blogger
Now enjoy blogging.
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How to make labels in blogger

If you want to make labels for your blog and you don’t know about how to make labels in your blog then don’t worry. In this blog post I will tell you about it. So let’s start to make this project for your blog.
labels in blogger

First of all Sign in with your blogger account and click to dashboard. Now write a new post in it and when you are done your post then click labels tab on right side of this page in Post settings. Now write appropriate labels name for your post like if your post is about of computer tips and then type in it computer, tips, computer tips, computer tricks.

 label in blogger

Then click to done it and save your setting and publish your post. Now take a preview for your blog and then check in your blog you find below the post yours labels are showing.

So now you are know about make labels. And if you want to know about how to show your labels gadget in your blog then click here to know about this.

Now enjoy blogging.
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How to Backup and restore blogger templates

I think template is face of blogger site and it gives look for your blog and it also engaged your visitor in your blog. So it is very must for blogger, but think if anything is wrong with your blog then what will you do I mean if any HTML lines are corrupt in your blog then your all blogger may be affected by it. So you have to take backup of your template in your computer and when any problems are come then you will restore your templates.
backup and restore of blogger templates

Or if you want apply any new template for your blog from Word press and other then you have to do backup your current template and restore the other template. So your template always is in your computer and anytime you restore it.

So I tell you how to backup your blogger template and restore it.

First of all go to blogger account and click to Dashboard.

menu of templates

Now go to “Template” tab and click to “Backup/ Restore” tab in upper right side of this page.
Now take backup for your template and save it in your computer and when you want to restore it then click to this tab and restore your template from your computer.
backup and restore blogger template

It is very useful to every blogger to backup there templates in their computer.